Marriage Records Search Tips

If you are having trouble finding the name you are searching try these tips below:


  • BOTH Last name and First name are required (partial names are allowed).
  • Returned matches are limited to 20.
  • Matches are based on EXACT MATCH.  Try different variations of the name(s).
  • PARTIAL names are allowed.  This helps when you do not know the exact spelling.  (Fill in as many beginning letters as you know, to avoid hitting the 20 match return limit.)
  • If first name is not found, try using the first initial followed by a period.  (i.e. “J.” or “J. William”)  NOTE: if you do not use the period it will return ANY name starting with that letter (limited to 20 matches).
  • There were 31 names in our list which are difficult to read; Another 8 names either consisted of a single name or were foreign names, which makes it difficult to identify the surname correctly.  A list of these names can be found here.
    NEED HELP?                                                                                                                                                             If you feel certain there SHOULD be a record and you are not finding it, or if you keep reaching the 20 match limit even with variations, feel free to e-mail us at  We have tools to dig deeper.  Please provide as much information about the names and the time frame involved, as possible.  Also, please allow time for a reply, as these requests are followed-up by volunteers as availability of time allows.  Thank you for your patience.
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